Mechanical Harvesting

Mechanical Harvesting or Manual Cutting

Harvesting is our main method of controlling the weeds in our lakes. 

A mechanical aquatic harvester can be used to achieve “area selective” control of nuisance aquatic vegetation. Mechanical harvesting is well-suited for clearing large areas of nuisance vegetation or cutting channels through dense vegetation to enhance recreational access. Aquatic weed harvesting services can be performed for many different species of vegetation, but is most effective for plants that form a dense surface canopy like Eurasian milfoil.

A committed lake weed removal program can assist in long-term nutrient reduction through removal of plant biomass.

The front of the harvester contains a cutting mechanism and hydraulic lifts for raising and lowering the cutting depth. Once weeds are cut, steel conveyor mesh carries the weeds on board to a holding area beneath the operator’s platform. A conveyor in the rear of the vessel off-loads the collected plant matter on-shore where it is loaded and trucked away. Harvesters are powered by two paddle wheels which can be operated individually, allowing for a high degree of maneuverability for such a large machine. Pontoons on either side of the harvester keep it afloat, even when loaded down with hundreds of pounds of water soaked plant material.


Removes plant biomass and nutrients from the waterbody.
Provides area selective control of nuisance species.
Offers an eco-friendly solution that does not create temporary water use restrictions during or after the work.
Acts an alternative in situations where herbicides are not appropriate or desired.
Enhances the effectiveness aquatic vegetation control when combined with other control strategies.
Lake weed removal services offer long-term control solution for certain species.

Herbicide Treatment (Our herbicidal treatment has been suspended until further notice due to funding issues)