Eurasian Watermilfoil and ProcellaCOR

The Loon Lake Management Association (LLMA) has and will continue to work with many county and state government officials on the issue of the invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM). Studies and reports were completed to determine the importance of the eradication of EWM in our lakes.

After extensive research and studying multiple alternatives ProcellaCOR was chosen to be the best solution before it grows to maturity.

LLMA partnered with Lake County Health Department Ecological Services (LCHD-ES) conducting rake studies to determine the herbicide dosage and specific location of treatment areas. Rake studies measure the density and type of weeds within the lake. Post treatment rake studies will be used to determine the success of the treatment. The studies will also identify areas that need reapplication approximately four to six weeks after the initial application.

LLMA Project Objectives with listed ProcellaCOR Benefits

  • Improved Safety: Provides an EPA reduced risk classification IV
  • Reduced Chemical Usage: Provides longer control (3 years) Requires less product for usage. Reduces need for individual homeowners’ chemical usage
  • Improved Water Flow and Watershed Protection: Proven Elimination of EWM beds will protect our key function as a watershed
  • Improved Water Quality: Decreased aquatic floor muck is attained because of the unique application process. Decreased decaying weeds improves flotsam in the water column
  • Protection of Native and T&E Species: Specifically targets only invasive species: EWM and Hydrilla
  • Restoration of Natural Ecosystem: Allows return of native plants by providing increased sunlight penetration. Provides improved habitat for fish, birds and insects.
  • Protection of threatened and endangered species: Ensures Protection of natural habitat for these important species

Eurasian Watermilfoil is NOT unique to our area, but a serious problem nationwide in lakes, streams and rivers. Many government agencies, municipalities, associations and experts have been studying the use and outcome of ProcellaCOR with eradicating Eurasian Watermilfoil

Funding for this project was provided in part by the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission through a Watershed Management Board Grant